The summer job and Son of Sam
July 10, 2017 I remember hawking the Philadelphia Bulletin on boardwalk in Wildwood, N.J. when Son of Sam was captured. It was August of 1977 and I was 10 years old. I should have been scared that summer, reading each [...]
The Search
Every day at noon the search would stop and the trio of Labrador retrievers would perk up as the Frisbee emerged. * After a long morning sniffing a mountain of South Florida garbage for a body at the dump the [...]
That’s What You Get
That’s what you get if you win a round the Samoan said after my right cross glanced off his cheek and his response shifted my nose from the center of my face to somewhere near my right ear.
Second Grade Sin
It took about a week for the Polish nun who ruled supreme over my 2nd grade class to notice I had stopped praying aloud like my classmates who dutifully repeated the Our Father and Hail Mary spelled out on the chalk board.